Winter Living: Cozy Up Your Home with Cochran’s Hardwood Flooring


Winter is the season for cozy blankets, cracking fires, and slippers skidding across hardwood floors as the crisp air dances outside. As you embrace this time of year, explore our tips for  winter-readying your Cochran’s hardwood flooring.

Embrace the Warmth

Cochran’s hardwood isn’t just about beauty; it’s about embracing natural warmth. Consider adding seasonal rugs to insulate your spaces and make every step a cozy one. Opt for rugs that not only feel soft but also complement the rich tones of your hardwood, be it the luxurious dark finish of our Mies Collection or the lighter, airy tones of our Ascetic Collection. Hand-knotted rugs, vintage textiles, and natural-fiber options all offer softness and add texture while complementing your existing flooring.

Protection from the Elements

Winter often brings muddy boots and snowy surprises! Safeguard your hardwood floors by placing durable mats at entrances and creating a charming boot nook with a bench. Regular sweeping or gentle vacuuming ensures no scratches mar your cherished wood floors. Cochran’s loves cocoa mats and rubberized non-slip rugs near entryways to protect flooring.

Pair Your Floors with Light and Color

Shorter days means your hardwood can take center stage as families gather indoors. Consider layering warm-hued lights that softly cascade across your floors, creating a gentle, inviting glow. Don’t limit festive lights to your exterior – string some white twinkling lights indoors for a winter retreat vibe. Candles, indoor lanterns, and roaring fires all add to the ambiance of a well-lit space.

Get Festive

Your hardwood floor is the perfect canvas for festive décor. Picture a classic tree adorned with lights and ornaments, enhancing the warmth of your rich hardwood. Imagine gatherings with loved ones, the hardwood beneath adding that extra touch of homely elegance. Consider skipping the rug under a dining table for family  meals, which allows your flooring to take center stage, and makes cleanup a breeze.

Cozy Comfort

Cochran’s hardwood isn’t just beautiful; it’s durable, standing up to holiday foot traffic. Consider adding plush cushions and throw pillows for comfy seating and a burst of color to compliment your hardwood. The wood’s warmth paired with soft accessories makes your space the ultimate winter retreat.

As you settle into winter living, cherish and protect your Cochran’s hardwood floors – they offer elegance, durability, and warmth. Need tips on winter care or thinking of a fresh look for the new year? Visit our Berryville showroom (just 50 miles west of Washington D.C.) or call us at 1(877) 297-8331. We’re here to guide you toward a beautiful, comfortable winter living space.

Feeling inspired? Explore our Houzz® page for more design ideas where your hardwood floors shine in every season. Planning a quick home refresh before the family arrives for the holidays? Cochran’s timeless hardwood options are just a click or a call away, ready to create your perfect winter backdrop!